Shocks & Surprises Email Policy

If you are reading this, it is likely that you have received email from me which you do not want.  Please take a moment to read this.

First, rest assured, you are not entering a spamming hell offering you cheap Viagra or a chance to reclaim those Nigerian millions.  Rather I have sent you  samples of a service I have developed, which is proving popular to other people apart from yourself.  I send out to approximately 50 new people a day, only to people on lists which I have compiled myself from public sources.  Those lists are not and will not be shared with other people or organizations, or disclosed,  for any reasons.

Second, if you do not want to receive the service, I actively and positively don’t want to send it to you.  This is really important to  me – I positively want to get you off the list as fast as possible in order to minimise any offence or inconvenience I am causing. In practice, I try and delete people from my list within minutes, not hours or days, of them asking.  Very rarely, I may need a further moment of your cooperation (for example, if your mail has been diverted from a previous or different email  address).   

So the message is: just email me back asking for the emails to stop.

That’s all there is to it, really. Thank you for your time, and best of luck.

Michael Taylor


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  4. take me out of your list....

    1. I will happily do so, but I have no idea who you are, since you are 'Anonymous'. Please email me, and I will remove you immediately.

  5. Please see reply above: I cannot remove you if you don't tell me who you are! Sorry.
